Sometimes as pastors or leaders we think we have to take a huge leap or a giant step to make things happen now. Or yesterday. However, the truth is that is not what we need to do. In fact, it’s not only an unhealthy expectation, but it’s an unhealthy way to grow or progress.
Yes, there are real pressures on pastors and leaders to produce and to perform. Oftentimes in our churches, our congregants unknowingly place unreal expectations on their leaders. This in turn produces more pressure to do something big and to do it now.
When I’m in those moments of pressure, it’s encouraging for me to remember what God says in Zechariah 4:10: “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand.” While God was referring to a specific work in a specific context, the principle is clear–God is pleased when work is beginning–even if the result is small in the beginning.
I’m encouraged by that because so much of the work of pastoring, leading, and making disciples is hard to see in the beginning. When you develop strategy, the results are seen at first. When you start a discipleship group with 3 or 4 people, the results are hard to see in that first year or two. As you develop leaders, there isn’t a huge difference in the beginning. I’m encouraged that God is pleased, even if others can’t see the results just yet.
So don’t be discouraged. Be assured that as you continue to be faithful to the call God has placed on your life, small beginnings will turn into great things!