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Our Team

Dr. Mark Gainey, Consultant

Dr. Mark Gainey is the Founder and a consultant for Incite Ministries. Dr. Gainey has been in ministry for 22 years, most of that time as a Senior Pastor. He has experience serving at large churches, small church, church plants, and parachurch ministries. He also serves as Lead Pastor at Fultondale First Baptist Church just outside of Birmingham, Alabama.

Dr. Gainey has a passion and calling to not only lead on the local church level, but to come alongside churches and pastors to help them develop plans, strategies, and tools to become disciple-making churches. He’s a gifted communicator and process thinker. Mark also has unique experience as an entrepreneur and in the marketing industry.

Mark is the author of the book, 4 Invitations: How the Four Disciple-Making Invitations of Jesus Can Help You Be a Disciple Who Makes Disciples.

Dr. Gainey earned a B.S. from Troy University in Marketing & Management, an M.T.S. from Beeson Divinity School, and a Doctor of Ministry degree at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. He was licensed as a church consultant by Thom Rainer and Church Central in 2003.

Mark and his wife Tasha have been married for 24 years and have 4 children.

Andy Frazier, Lead Consultant

Andy Frazier has been passionate about making disciples since he was called to ministry over twenty years ago. For the past seven years, he has experienced God’s blessings of serving as Senior Pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Sumiton, AL, which has experienced a wonderful story of revitalization.

Andy has intentionally chosen to serve as a bi-vocational pastor and has a unique perspective on ministry and work. Andy has also served as a Director of Missions and owns and operates his own small business.nn

Andy is married and has three boys.